The Lord Mayors Show 2021
With a history dating back to 1215, the world’s largest and oldest unrehearsed procession, The Lord Mayor’s Show highlights all that is great about the City of London, London as a whole and the UK.
What an honour for us that The Worshipful Company of Distillers choose to include Hattiers Rum in their toast to the Lord Mayor and to participate in this venerable, global spectacular. Furthermore, it marked the first full day in office of the new Lord Mayor, Vincent Keaveny, himself a Liveryman of Distillers Company.

Left to Right: Sheriff Alison Gowman, Lord Mayor Vincent Keaveny, 692nd Lord Mayor William Russell and Sheriff Nicholas Lyons
The day began early, just after dawn, for the Liverymen who had been chosen to cycle the Wee Toast Tours bike as they collected the bike from Smithfield. Thirsty work!

After a breakfast at The Ironmongers’ Hall they assembled. The Distillers ‘hot air balloon’ had been filled, the bikers were in position and the barrel, to be presented as gift to the new Lord Mayor, was ready to be rolled by Bryan Burrough and Chris Porter, ably supported by Matthew Russell.
The Liverymen had all donned their beautifully embroidered aprons, Mappin & Webb engraved commemorative hipflasks, which had been filled by the good works of Messer Lorne MacKillop and Daniel Szor.

Rolling the barrel. Chris Porter, Matthew Russell and organiser of the WCD entry to the parade Bryan Burrough
The procession followed the route passing Guildhall, the Bank of England and then at Mansion House greeted the new lord mayor. He was given the barrel as our gift and the Master led all in procession in a toast....

This moment was captured by the BBC and it was noted that the Lord Mayor is a Distiller.

Cheers all...