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World Mental Health Awareness Day

1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem in any given year and mental illness is said to affect everyone either directly or indirectly. They range from common problems, such as depression and anxiety, to rare problems like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

At Hattiers the mental wellbeing of our people is of the upmost importance to us and we recognise that positive health and wellbeing in the workplace can lead to healthier and happier employees. Read on to find out more about how we are committed to supporting our people both at home and at work and how we have raised money and awareness for mental health charities such as Mind.

Mental Health First Aiders

Most people are familiar with physical first aid and the idea that when you attend a physical first aid course you learn the skills and knowledge required to recognise and respond to life-threatening emergencies and provide a first aid response to a casualty across a range of different situations. Mental Health First Aid training adopts a similar approach.

At Hattiers all management is currently undertaking Mental Health First Aid training in order to be able to identify the different types of mental illness and use a practical, skills-based action plan to assess and respond to someone in their team experiencing a mental health problem or mental health crisis.

'Three Men in a Tub'

Back in May this year, Hattiers founder Philip and two of his closest friends Martin and Rik set off on an adventure to raise awareness for men's mental health and funds for Mind by taking on The Great Glen Way Canoe Trail.

The purpose of the challenge was to highlight mental health challenges experienced by many men, to challenge the 'man up' mentality that is forced upon them and the multi-generational suppression of feelings to 'get on with it'.

It was more challenging than they could have imagined with strong headwinds and adverse weather, however the three men completed the trail within six days and raised £1565 for Mind and donated a further £250.

Philip said about the trail; “Whilst the trip was an amazing adventure, at points it turned into a real challenge! We faced a strong headwind coming through Loch Ness and continuous downpours, which added to the physical challenge itself. The trip gave us the opportunity to come together and support each other at the end of each day. We opened up to one another, having much-needed meaningful conversations about our everyday struggles." To read more click here.

Physical Health

Our mental health can be positively or negatively impacted by our physical health, personal behaviours and actions.

Hattiers is committed to promoting physical activity and encourages healthy eating which can help employees manage stress, improve concentration and increase energy levels. Those who regularly exercise and eat a balanced diet are less likely to suffer from illness and recover more quickly from any illness that does occur.

Hattiers regularly promotes physical activity through workplace events, activities and challenges as well as supporting a healthy balanced diet in the workplace by offering healthy food in the office free of charge and an annual allowance for staff to buy or go towards sports or health related equipment. We are also launching an employee wellness programme where employees will have 24 hour access to a private GP, counselling and lifestyle management support.

Alcohol and Mental Health

Alcohol has been described as ‘the UK’s favourite coping mechanism’, and some do drink to try and help manage stress, anxiety, depression or other mental health problems.

At Hattiers we acknowledge that for the majority of us, a drink whilst socialising with friends can support our mental health in a positive way, however using alcohol as a coping mechanism for mental health problems and excessive drinking is likely to make those symptoms worse. Managing drinking habits and getting the right support are crucial to good mental health and we encourage those who enjoy Hattiers to drink responsibly.

If you require support for your drinking habits, please visit Alcohol and mental health - fact sheet | Alcohol Change UK.

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